做法: 1.金針菇切蒂,沖洗後擠掉水分,用廚房紙再做吸水;Enoki mushrooms bases trimmed, then be rinsed and squeezed to remove excess water. Use kitchen paper to absorb any remaining moisture. 2.選擇大捆金針菇,約120克一把的直徑;Mushrooms (about 120g per roll); 3.將越南春卷皮浸泡30秒,拿起時還有點小硬,鋪在菜板上方便展開;Soak the rice paper for 30 seconds until it is still slightly firm when picked up. Lay it on a cutting board to make it easier to spread out. 4.包裹卷好了金針菇的海苔卷,紫菜收口邊緣沾點水即可粘合;Wrap the seaweed rolls with the transparent rice paper as shown in the video, and cut them to a height of about 4cm. 5.海苔卷噴油包裹全面;Lightly brush the surface and all sides with oil. 6.空氣炸鍋200度烤10分鐘,直到外皮金黃酥脆。 Put in the air fryer at 200°C for 10 minutes.